First Day of Treatment

I'll always remember January 6th, 2021. It was the day my prostate cancer treatment started. Treatment involved the first of 4 quarterly injections of the ADT drug, Leuprolide (Lupron) and the first 30 day supply of the test drug Apalutamide (or a placebo).

January 6th was also the day that the Capital was stormed while congress was trying to certify the election results. Like most Americans, I was completely shocked to be watching videos of this happening real-time. Between appointments, I was catching glimpses of this unfold on my iPhone in the waiting area. I could not believe my eyes. Needless to say, this made my first day of treatment quite the auspicious occasion.

To prepare myself mentally, I've been keeping meticulous records of my weight-lifting, running and biking activities, nervously awaiting the big "slow down" and ready to switch to those little pink dumbbells should the need arise. 

Time will tell how I respond to the ADT therapy and ultimately, whether this has the hoped-for effect of shrinking my prostate tumor(s) to make surgery in June more favorable. 

One year of this. I can do this. 

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  1. What a day to remember! I can only image the mix of feelings: confusion, apprehension, anxiety, hope, etc... One day at a time. Courage.
