Together, we can reach the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer. #RunDFMC


In the spirit of the holidays, I'd like to appeal to all the supporters and visitors to this site to consider making a modest contribution to my daughter Megan's Boston Marathon effort in the spring of 2022. Click here to support Megan and Dana-Farber cancer research

Anyone who commits to running a Marathon is worthy of mad kudos. I think most runners would agree that that the Boston Marathon sits at the pinnacle of all marathons. To earn a spot to this prestigious event, runners need to either hit a challenging qualifying time for their age bracket -or- commit to some serious fund-raising for one of the many worthy charities that support the event.

Megan did both! First, she crushed the 3:30:00 women's 18-34 qualifying standard with a qualifying time of 3:03:28 in her first marathon back in May 2021!!! 

She could have left it there but decided to take on a serious fund raising challenge on top of that! 

Come April 18, 2022, a lot of people will be cheering on Megan as she attempts to break the elusive 3 hour barrier. 

As friends and family, we can also help Megan hit her ambitious fund-raising goal of $4,000 aimed at cancer research for Dana-Farber. 

One hundred percent of every dollar raised by the DFMC team supports the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. These funds are fueling some of today's most promising basic cancer research.

As a first-hand beneficiary of that research, I'd like to ask you to please join me in supporting Megan in her fund-raising effort as she attempts to PR in Boston.

Thank you and Happy New Year to All!!!

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