Recommended Links for Prostate Cancer

The links and videos below are mostly focused on natural lifestyle approaches to dealing with cancer and prostate cancer in particular.

Disclaimer: Always discuss alternate lifestyle treatment with your doctor and consider these to be adjuvant and not replacement treatments for conventional treatments.

YouTube Video: The role of diet and exercise in addressing prostate cancer with June Chan

"The role of diet and exercise in addressing prostate cancer with June Chan, UCSF. Recorded on 06/08/2019. Series: "Prostate Cancer Patient Conference"

Spikes Takeaway: I found this body of research by Dr. June Chan to be incredibly interesting. Lot's of good data on the role of diet and exercise in dealing with Prostate Cancer. My notes:

  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • 3 hours a week of vigorous activity or 7 hours a week of brisk (>3mph) walking
  • Just do something. Even light activity, walking in place while doing chores is much better than doing nothing
  • Healthy diet is good. Healthy lifestyle (exercise) is good. Combining both is best
  • Only 7.5% - 10% of men were doing these things
  • Previous study looking at diet (fruits/veggies, low-fat, grains) and breast cancer in the 1990's initially concluded that there was no benefit. However, the data was later reviewed 20 years later in a follow-up and it was found that there was, in fact, a breast cancer death benefit
  • Key slides from video: - Prostate Cancer and Food

"Does food factor into prostate cancer risk?

Harvard University researchers followed more than a thousand men with early-stage prostate cancer for several years. Compared with men who rarely ate eggs, men who ate even less than a single egg a day appeared to have twice the risk of prostate cancer progression, such as metastasizing into the bones. The only thing potentially worse for prostate cancer than eggs was poultry: Men with more aggressive cancer who regularly ate chicken and turkey had up to four times the prostate cancer progression risk. On the other hand, less than a single daily serving of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, or kale may cut the risk of cancer progression by more than half." - Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer with Diet Part 1

"Dr. Dean Ornish showed that a plant-based diet and lifestyle program could apparently reverse the progression of prostate cancer, but that was for early stage, localized, watch-and-wait cancer. What about for more advanced stage life-threatening disease?" - Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer with Diet Part 2

"What happens when metastatic prostate cancer patients were taught to increase intake of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, and to decrease consumption of meat, dairy, and junk?" - Prostate Cancer Survival: The A/V Ratio

"Reducing the ratio of animal to plant protein in men’s diets may slow the progression of prostate cancer."

Spikes Takeaway: A good overview of prostate cancer and some interesting information about possible causation due to asbestos exposure.


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